​The Top 10 Commandments of Anti-Ageing!

​The Top 10 Commandments of Anti-Ageing!

There’s no doubting that we are a youth obsessed culture. You just have to look around you from social media, to magazines, to TV and film, we are bombarded with images of flawless skinned, size eight, inhumanly beautiful, forever young – looking women. So its unavoidable not to be affected on some level. Even the celebrities that we hold in the highest of regard appear younger and more youthful every day. Between keeping up with the Kardashians and the Joneses, we ladies are trying to hold back the hands of time so that we can be the most youthful and most beautiful version of ourselves.

So we’ve decided to bust the myths and separate the anti-aging skin care facts from fiction and list a selection of sure fire ways to combat aging skin issues from wrinkles and sagging skin to pigmentation and beyond………………….

1. Wear sunscreen and not just at the beach.

Rain, hail or shine, apply a broad spectrum sunscreen liberally to your skin every day, ensuring that it contains both UVA and UVB protection. The world’s leading Dermatologists state that it is the single most important thing you can do to prevent sun damage and skin cancer. Both of these conditions are avoidable with common sense but the consequence of not adhering to it can be lethal. Make it a vital step in your skin care routine. Check out our 5 Steps to More Youthful, Radiant Skin.

2. Quit Smoking.

We all know the dangers associated with smoking. Not only is it a leading cause of cancer and bad breath, effectively destroys the collagen and elastin and decreases levels of oestrogen – which is absolutely necessary in maintaining firm skin. Also with images of Dot Cotton in mind the pursing of your lips around the cigarette increases above the lip lines. Oh no, thank you! smoking cigarettes actively and

3. Use a Peptide.

Peptides are one of the most promising discoveries in skin care in the last few years. Functioning as moisture binding agents Peptides are chains of amino acids that are the building blocks of proteins in the skin. One of our most vital proteins is collagen, peptides work by communicating with collagen so that it renews and reforms itself. Actively minimising the appearance of age spots and wrinkles as more youthful, firmer skin is created.

4. Stay Hydrated

And no, Diet Coke doesn’t count. The more hydrated your skin, the better the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. We’ve discussed this before as it’s a vital function for not only your skin but your overall wellbeing, drink plenty of water, cut back on coffee, tea and fizzy drinks and moisturise, moisturise and moisturise

5. Sleep Well

While we sleep, our bodies take time to restore energy and rebuild tissue and cells. Lending kudos to the old saying ‘get some beauty rest’, there is in fact a science behind it. A lack of sleep leaves us tired, irritable and unable to focus and concentrate, but it also affects the skin in a similar way. Making sure you have adequate sleep actually optimises the effect of your anti-ageing beauty regimen, with skin care products and treatments more effective as the skin will be more likely to absorb the age defying ingredients. Also ladies remember that during sleep, the facial muscles relax which enables the dermal layers of our skin to rejuvenate and revitalise. So make sure to get those 8 hours!

6. Maintain a healthy weight.

For many of us weight is an issue, whether or not your body image is reflected in your personality, how you see yourself plays a huge part in how the world sees you. However it comes as no surprise that yo-yo dieting isn’t great for the skin (nor the self-confidence). Why? Well simply put skin loses elasticity over time and the more your weight fluctuates the harder it is to spring back into shape. If you need to shed a few pounds or perhaps a few stone, do so consistently and sensibly, your health and skin will thank you for it.

7. Eat Right.

Did you know that your skin receives nutrients not only from skin care creams and treatments but also from the food you eat? The more balanced the diet, the younger you will look. Its science! Also if you’re not taking a multivitamin you may want to start now. To keep your skin fresh eat more fatty fish (such as salmon), dark green vegetables (such as spinach, broccoli), almonds and walnuts. Wash it down with antioxidant green tea. Also, add foods high in zinc, copper and selenium to your plate—they’re skin-firming minerals. Throw out the refined sugar and trans fats as both can cause inflammatory reactions in the skin. P.S And don’t forget the water!

8.Get Moving

With summer on the horizon there’s no excuse for not adding some exercise to your beauty regimen. Exercise increases blood flow to the skin and promotes a glowing, healthy looking complexion. It also reduces the accumulation of free radicals inside your body, protecting your skin. Work out for just 30 minutes four to five times a week, not only will you feel physically more energetic, you may even drop those few pounds and it will make for a very visible difference to the tone and radiance of your skin.

9.Try to relax – eliminate stress.

The connection between our mind and body is a powerful one. Get yourself outside whether your exercising or reading, find a way to decompress and unwind. Did you know that stress actually causes cells to age faster? which absolutely shows on your skin. Take time to breathe in the air, perhaps take up meditation, after all this is all about being the most vital version of you.

10. Don’t Pick.

Who doesn’t remember their mother screaming at them ‘don’t pick your skin’ as a hormonally challenged teenager? We are all aware of the results of sun damage causing dark spots and pigmentation as we age, but picking at our blemishes is just as dramatic. In fact since the skin takes a lot longer to repair itself as we age, spots and blemishes don’t disappear right away. Leading dermatologist do suggest that the most effective way to treat spots as an adult is with a salicylic based gel.Have you some anti ageing secrets to share? What results are you getting?

Some of our favourite anti-ageing products:

4th Dec 2017 Tracy

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