
Accessorise Summer with FitFlop !

The iconic Coco Chanel once said “A woman with good shoes is never ugly” and who are we to argue with such sage fashion advice, when  FitFlop S/S 2014 offers up embellished shimmering swathes of leather and suede to please the most perfect of pedicures! And with summer on our doorsteps it’s time to banish the boots, shake off the slippers and get your feet into a pair of summers must have style accessory – the FitFlop! …….and don’t forget the clever peeps at Fitflop fuse …
22nd May 2014 Tracy
​Can you tell the difference between dry skin and dehydrated skin?

​Can you tell the difference between dry skin and dehydrated skin?

Well there isn’t a difference I hear you cry! Well um, surprisingly yes there is! Many of us find ourselves perplexed by these two skin terms, often because the symptoms such as tightness, flakiness, dull, lifeless, rough, to the more serious- severe redness and cracks in the skin that are prone to bleeding – are one and the same, or so we thought! However there is vast clinical variance between these two terms - dry skin is a  skin type and dehydra …
16th Apr 2014 Tracy