
Saving Face - Skincare for Rosacea & Adult Acne

Are you one of the thousands of Irish women who experience the “flush”? No not the menopausal flush but the slow trickle of warmth that stains the capillaries a ruby wash of red within minutes? Resulting in Rosacea, pronounced (roz-ay-sha) the commonly chronic skin condition that batters the confidence and shreds self-esteem as quick as you can say “concealer please”.

Make no mistake Rosacea and Adult Acne are a self image affliction; although different from one another both skin conditions can co-exist, leading to chronic inflammation, swelling and the visible appearance of blood vessels and broken capillaries. This enraged flushing though not curable is highly treatable, targeting the central third of the face spreading its anger across the nose, cheeks and onto the forehead and chin, whilst adult acne can lead to facial scarring and permanent skin damage.

Poorly understood, yet widespread and vastly under diagnosed, how do we save face from the barrage of crimson and ruddy cheeked flare-ups? Benign but aggressive in its effect on our self image and esteem, what is Rosacea /Adult Acne and what treatments are available?

Rosacea and its action of dilation of the small blood vessels and chronic inflammation can be triggered by genetic factors or the following well known triggers: stress, alcohol, spicy or hot foods, caffeine, chronic sun exposure and Ireland's favourite- - cold weather. 

Adult Acne Rosacea

Adult Acne is a scourge for many a woman. That warm facial swelling and redness you thought had disappeared at 15 only to return at 40, is extremely common affecting one in 5 of all woman! Courtesy of oestrogens, pregnancy, diet, menopause and excess sebum clogging pores and inviting bacteria to the self esteem party !

Acne Proactiv                             

Leading Dermatologists admit they don’t know what causes Rosacea but they do know how to treat it with proven Rosacea treatments, and as for Adult Acne there are many reputable solutions available. So how do we take our reddened, ill tempered complexion to a smooth satiny pink, have a selection of tried and tested solutions for you to try!

The Proactiv ® Anti-Blemish Solution 4-Piece kit is an ideal combatant in the fight against Adult Acne. Cleanses gently, soothes and moisturises whilst eliminating dead skin cells. Features Acne’s arch nemesis, Salicylic Acid. Proven results!

Sheer Cover light diffusing Mineral Foundations composed of gloriously soft focus minerals diffuse light and provide perfect coverage from Adult Acne and Rosacea to facial scarring. Skin appears flawless as inbuilt SPF15 adds extra protection for sensitive skin.

The Sheer Cover range is specifically designed for those suffering from skin conditions and can assist in building your beauty and confidence!

Once you’ve discovered your optimal Rosacea treatment it is vital to cleanse the skin gently twice a day and religiously apply a Sunscreen beneath your foundation. Our Dermalogica range boasts the excellence of Dermalogica Solar Defense Booster SPF50 to protect sensitive skin conditions such as Rosacea and Adult Acne from the damaging affects of UVB/UVA rays. The Dermalogica range is the perfect Rosacea treatment plan and Adult Acne defence!

Dermalogica Solar Defense Booster  

13th Feb 2014 Tracy

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